MFA Thesis (Download PDF)


“Real People Acting Out Interpersonal Issues With Paper Representations”

Gary DufnerUniversity of Central Florida

Paper people representationswomen as paper objectsinterpersonal issues as narrative in artnarrative through colorpush and pull techniquecolor blue as metaphor for fantasytheatrical dramatic lightingcubismben day dotsphotograph as cinemadocument reality through fantasydigital manipulation of photographycollaboration with models to make art

In this thesis body of work, I have interacted and collaborated with five friends to create images exploring human relationships. The subject matter illustrates my friends and myself acting out interpersonal issues with paper representations of one another. It has been my aim to represent my imagery in a campy thematic way. I include a discussion of the images in my body of work from both my perspective and the perspective of my models. The figurative paper images “stand in” as representatives of the genders of their subjects. I have explored multiple points of view, constructing, reconstructing and deconstructing complex compositions; experimenting with a variety of focal points; and I have increased my knowledge of lighting and color effects through digital manipulation.

Graduation Date: 2015

Semester: Spring

Advisor: Poindexter, Carla

Committee Members: Carla Poindexter, Mark Price, Wanda Raimundi-Ortiz Klotz

Degree: Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.)

College: College of Arts and Humanities

Department: Visual Arts and Design

Degree Program: Emerging Media; Studio Art and the Computer

Identifier: CFE0005607

Release Date: May 2015

Length of Campus-only Access: None

Access Status: Masters Thesis (Open Access)

STARS Citation: Dufner, Gary, “Real People Acting Out Interpersonal Issues With Paper Representations” (2015).Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 71.